Fish Report for 8-8-2019

By the numbers

Tim Ekstrom

By the numbers this morning fulfilling our tuna goal by 09:00 then switching into prospecting/yellowtail mode. Production was mighty slim in the yellowtail department but  a few were landed and more than a few bruisers cleaned our clocks. Fishing amidst the most beautiful scenery imaginable in an atmosphere obviously lightened by the stellar tuna fishing prior even the contests lost were taken with a grain of salt. Richly memorable in all the right ways a good time was had by all. It was a perfect ending to our time at this spectacular island.

Heading in after dark we were reintroduced to the reality of the high seas bumping and rolling our way through choppy conditions for the first twenty miles. Very common to the east of the gigantic haven is a local “potato patch” kicked up by strong uphill currents and fresh downhill breezes. A times it makes for a sporty ride. Not this time, a little pitch and roll was all we dealt with, but even that following the previous five days of heavenly flat calm was enough to rattle paradise. 

Planning to log a few hours in a new offshore zone tomorrow we will be prospecting fresh territory in an effort to reignite the tuna run that has gone completely incognito down below. What happened is anyone’s guess. What it is going to take to find them is not. Good old fashioned leg work, pure effort, will get the job done. 

Photo today features Royal Star veteran Curt Charmley with his hard won 45 pound yellowtail. Fine job!