Fish Report for 2-26-2025

Nice hit
Tim Ekstrom
Though it started slow momentum built and the final morning, that looked like it was going to fizzle, turned into a full scale ripper. Plowing through our abundant supply of beautiful sardines hoardes of voracious yellowfin elicited many a adrenaline fueled exclamation as they flew from the water and craved jumbo caverns in the surface all around the boat. Needless to say it wasn't difficult to get a bite. Full speed action for the better part of an hour was the closing note. Yellowfin in the 70-120 pound class made up the bulk of the catch that added a perfect couple of layers in the RSW tank. Sated but still seeking that one final trophy our remaining time in the zone was passed poking and prodding big fish haunts of old to no avail. After departing for lands end the late afternoon found all in high spirits gathered around the tables and back deck sharing tales of legends. A weather forecast divine for the travel leg in buoyed spirits promising comfort for all. Photos today feature Royal Star veterans Bart Ryder and Mike Kellogg enjoying success as their beauties are hoisted over the rail.